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I can't believe it, I'm losing to a dog. |
May 23, 2012
May 15, 2012
I'm just gonna leave this here for you. Enjoy.
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Oh, man. Playing D&D is just so hard... |
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My 15th-level Paladin is just... gonna... zzz.... |
May 13, 2012
Now, what we've got going on in this series of pictures is what happens when Disney decides to make a new Winnie the Pooh movie. Apparently, Justin has it bad for Winnie the Pooh, and was all giddy about going to see the new movie when it came out in theaters. So we had already made plans to go to the theater the day it opened and all that jazz. But I had a little surprise for him when he came home from school that day.
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Pooh shirt and Hunny pot! |
I searched for days beforehand trying to find just a plain red t-shirt with "Pooh" written on it in the classic Pooh style, but somehow it didn't exist! So I ended up making one myself. I just got a red tshirt at Walmart and made a stencil using some cardboard and fabric painted it on. The Hunny pot is actually a blueberry-scented candle that I painted "HUNNY" on.
And here is Justin's priceless reaction when he got home. :)
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Happiness |
He wore the shirt to the movie, and carried the Hunny jar the whole time, and little kids were pointing at him all, "It's Winnie the Pooh!" Freaking adorable.
Today's post is an interesting one for sure. It's a comic I drew that is actually based on the first time me and Justin met. I'll go more into that another time, because it's a unique story in and of itself. But this comic took place the day after our first meeting, in a food court at a mall around 2 in the morning.
The actual sequence of events is indeed hidden within this puzzle of a possibility poster, for you to figure out for yourselves.
The link is going to take you to the image on my deviantArt account, cause it's too darn big and I can't fit the whole image in the blog XD
flow chart,
Here we have another stunning image to add to the Justin Sleeps Weird gallery of art.
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Pose like you mean it, hooker. |
How the man sleeps like this, I have no idea. And yes, you're totally allowed to make fun of the Wall-e comforter :)
January 17, 2012
Of course I do! I love my boyfriend! I do this blog BECAUSE I like him. Let me show you something...
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-The Internet |
That really sums it up, ladies and gents, so much that I'm permanently making this quote part of the blog's layout (on the little sidebar on the right). And on that note, how about a little weirdness from Justin?
January 16, 2012
A while back, I made a silly little comic called Gamer Boyfriends, where I make fun of the internet webcomic stereotype of guy gamers. Namely, the stereotype that gamer boys will ignore boobs and booty calls for the sake of popping a cap in a digital character's ass. Or, in Justin's case, killing just one more dragon in Skyrim. Contrary to the stereotype, Justin will in fact leave a video game for the chance to get a little Sarah time, as this comic demonstrates.
What happened afterwards, no one could have anticipated. I posted this on my deviantArt page, and after a few weeks, someone posted it to reddit. Oh my god. On a good day, I MIGHT get about a thousand hits on a really popular picture. This picture got about 75,000 hits in TWO DAYS. Because it was posted on reddit.
And let me tell you, the people on reddit did not take this lightly. It seemed like every guy posting on there was trying to defend the stereotype. I was reading lines like, "I completely ignored my girlfriend for like two weeks after Skyrim came out," and, "REALISTICALLY, he SHOULD have told his online friends he was going away for a minute, and then GENTLY set down his peripherals," and even guys who swore up and down that they would never ever stop in the middle of a video game to go have sex with their girlfriends. And there were girls who were saying, "My boyfriend is totally the internet stereotype. It's like I don't even exist when he's playing video games."
Honestly, it was a little depressing to read. I'm not saying every guy should throw down his controller when his lady wants a little nookie. But the fact that so many guys would ignore a real-life lady with real-life boobs for the sake of a pretend game with imaginary characters and digital boobs makes me sad for them.
But I digress. Really, the important part here is that, in addition to all these crazy and depressing comments from lonely single gamer boys, there were also posted a lot of "fixed" versions of my comic. People would take my comic into Photoshop (or more likely MS Paint) and alter it a little bit to make it "more accurate." Some of these are actually pretty darn funny, even if they usually portray Justin in a "FOREVER ALONE" kind of light. So I'm going to share them with you.
You can see the full-sized comics after the pagebreak at the end of the post!

In addition to the whole stereotype drama, the internet community was also upset that I "drew the characters wrong." Apparently there's no way that a chubby gamer guy like Justin could land a hot redheaded girlfriend. Any of the comments that weren't going on about how gamer guys can't be expected to put down their controller every time their lady wants a little company in the bedroom, were saying that I needed to be fat and ugly to make any of this comic even remotely accurate.
And if THAT wasn't enough, they even started a several-page-long debate over the terminology of "According to the Internet." They claimed that, because I posted my comic on the internet, then both sides of the comic were according to the internet. They even made a Philosoraptor about it.
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Redditors obviously have too much time on their hands. |
So, in the end, I made a funny comic, offended a lot of sad lonely people, and got mad amounts of pageviews on my deviantArt page because of it. Win? I think so.
P.S. Thank you, Justin, for being the kind of guy who will put down his controller to spend some time with his girlfriend. I guess I really lucked out with you. <3

January 12, 2012
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Not a dick, but Justin thinks it is. |
With the two big ears and the long nose, he was dead convinced that I drew a penis on his back! When I started drawing the little hairs on his head, he was all, "Nooo, don't give it hairy balls!" A night of giggles ensued!
Today's story was written by our good friend Austin. But before I post his story, you should know something about Austin. He is, in actuality, the alternate universe future version of Justin. They are the same person, but Austin is a few years in the future. And as you can see by The Diagram, Austin is just Justin if he was stretched out tall and thin.
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The Diagram (TM) |
They have the same hair, the same goatee (sometimes), the same sense of humor, the same taste in movies and video games, and even their names are only one letter apart. So, knowing what you know now about Austin, I can let you read his story.
Ok - so here's the story. A few years ago, I was bedding down with our convention crowd before Animefest one year. There wasn't much in the way of places to sleep. A few folks were in beds, but Justin and I (being the rugged cats we are) were making due on the floor. Now I am not the type of person who really has trouble sleeping, or wakes up at the slightest sound; I've slept though a firetruck parked in front of my bedroom before without any discernible disturbance.
When I say that the sheer volume of justin's snoring woke me out of a sound sleep, I hope you appreciate the magnitude of what I mean. His snoring was the same volume as someone yelling. Since that day, I have tried to replicate the sheer amplitude of the sound he made that night, and every single time, I end up in pain before I can reach that level.
I do not react well to being woken up, as most people tend not to do. Now Justin is at my feet, as we are both sleeping in the walkway between the foot (feet?) of the beds and the wall. I try to shake him awake by judging his pillow with my foot. Nudge nudge nudge... silence. Blissful wonderful silence.... for all of five seconds. This went on for a while, I'd nudge him, he'd stop, and then immediately start back up again like one of those damn birthday candles they get you when you were a kid that refused to go out that the adults thought were SO funny but they seemed to miss out on the fact that in taking away your ability to blow out the candles they were robbing you of a wish!
Eventually, I had enough, and I slapped the guy in the face with the flat part of my foot. One strike did nothing, and I don't know how many times I kicked him in the head before he reacted, but eventually he stat up as if propelled by springs and stated in a loud, almost zombie-like voice "MY VIBRATIONAL CAPACITY IS GREATER THAN YOURS." He then fell immediately back to his pallet and began snoring again.
It was at that point I realized that I had headphones.
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"Thanks for the Swordbrella, Frosty! I freaking love it! And you! TTFN!" |
Yes, my mom's name is Frosty. And yes, he actually wrote "TTFN."
P.S. He's wearing my t-shirt again! The same shirt from the Fedora Ninja picture.
Child's Wolverine Halloween mask + butter knives + Justin = one happy dork.
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Chubverine, Defender of the Kitchen. |
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Snikt snikt, bub! |
January 11, 2012
Justin has a wide array of weapons and costumes at his disposal. Not all of them are his. In fact, most of them are mine. But that doesn't stop him from using them in his own creative fashion.
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Fedora Ninja wants YOU to rock out. |
Disclaimer: I use the words "creative" and "fashion" very loosely.
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He's the queen of the ball. |
Here we've got the first in a majestic series of photos known only as the Justin Sleeps Weird Collection, soon to be shown in modern art museums across the country. In this first set, we see a shining example of Justin's interesting idea of ingenuity as he uses a scarf to tie his neck to his arm to keep his head supported so he can sleep in comfort.
To be honest, at first I was worried about his hanging himself from my car on a six-hour road trip, but he never lost consciousness, so I assume that it didn't cause any permanent damage. That I know of.
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This looks painful. |
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But he slept like a baby the whole way home. |
January 10, 2012
Justin posing like the mighty warrior he was pretending to be. Decked out in my furry hat and a throw rug, he sure cuts a striking figure.
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