May 15, 2012

I'm just gonna leave this here for you. Enjoy.

Oh, man. Playing D&D is just so hard...

My 15th-level Paladin is just... gonna... zzz....

May 13, 2012

Now, what we've got going on in this series of pictures is what happens when Disney decides to make a new Winnie the Pooh movie. Apparently, Justin has it bad for Winnie the Pooh, and was all giddy about going to see the new movie when it came out in theaters. So we had already made plans to go to the theater the day it opened and all that jazz. But I had a little surprise for him when he came home from school that day.

Pooh shirt and Hunny pot!

I searched for days beforehand trying to find just a plain red t-shirt with "Pooh" written on it in the classic Pooh style, but somehow it didn't exist! So I ended up making one myself. I just got a red tshirt at Walmart and made a stencil using some cardboard and fabric painted it on. The Hunny pot is actually a blueberry-scented candle that I painted "HUNNY" on.

And here is Justin's priceless reaction when he got home. :)


He wore the shirt to the movie, and carried the Hunny jar the whole time, and little kids were pointing at him all, "It's Winnie the Pooh!" Freaking adorable.

Today's post is an interesting one for sure. It's a comic I drew that is actually based on the first time me and Justin met. I'll go more into that another time, because it's a unique story in and of itself. But this comic took place the day after our first meeting, in a food court at a mall around 2 in the morning.

The actual sequence of events is indeed hidden within this puzzle of a possibility poster, for you to figure out for yourselves.

The link is going to take you to the image on my deviantArt account, cause it's too darn big and I can't fit the whole image in the blog XD

Here we have another stunning image to add to the Justin Sleeps Weird gallery of art.

Pose like you mean it, hooker.

How the man sleeps like this, I have no idea. And yes, you're totally allowed to make fun of the Wall-e comforter :)